Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Festival de Verao

I decided to come to a music festival to meet the culture more. It was quite a big one with over hunderd thousand visitors. Alanis Morissete performed as a highlight. Except her there were other four brazilian bands, but somehow I wasn´t that much excited about them. Anyway brazilian music is very colourful and I´ve heard nice music already.

I went there with three friends and we had a lot of fun till 5 am. The only problem was that I planned already another trip to Morro do Sao Paulo at 6 am.

Here are some photos:

Warming up before beginning ... Von Festival de Vernao - Salvador

Main stage. There were other four or five stages around

Well known brazilian drummer band Olodun. Von Festival de Vernao - Salvador

Highlight of the day; Alanis Morissete. Von Festival de Vernao - Salvador

1 comment:

  1. Ahoj Járo,
    posíláš nám s těmi krásnými obrázky také spousty slunce,které mi teď v té naší central Europe velmi chybí a za to ti patří moc a moc veliký dík...měj se krásně a pozdravuj South America. Ivan
